Pokemon Emerald was actually the very first Pokemon game that I played, so the intro and Prof. Birch talking about the world of Pokemon gives me nostalgia. Am I a boy or a girl? One of the hardest decisions to make...
I decided to name my trainer Green, simply because I am playing Emerald. (and because I don't want to reveal my identity, yet.)
Ahhh yes. Now I remember. It all started inside the moving truck. I'm inside my new house in Littleroot, and I see two Vigoroth 'helping' us move in. Mom tells me to fix the clock, because that's the first thing you do when you move to a new home. After I fix my clock, I get the potion hiding in my PC, cause the last thing I want to happen is my Pokemon to die. Time to meet May!
OMG. May's stuttering, she likes me!
Time to save her dad from a low leveled Zigzagoon...
I will let my trainer number determine my starter Pokemon for this challenge. Since the last number of my trainer ID is 2, I have to choose the grass type. Treecko it is!
What! A female Treecko! Well this is interesting... (I should have you know that I only catch and raise male Pokemon, cause a blue icon beside their name seems cooler.)
So I beat the Zigzagoon with ease, Prof. thanks me and gives me Treecko as a gift! I nickname her (I accidentally put 'him' before noticing the mistake) Tricca. Isn't it a nice name for a female Treecko?
Time to go battle May up north.
Ugghh... walking without running shoes is a pain. I stop by Oldale Town, get a free potion. Yay.
Battled a Wingull that abused Growl. -.-
Leveled up. :) Tricca learns Absorb.
Battling May right now... If I die, this would be embarrassing.
I lie. I beat Torchic with ease, and I level up again. We head back to the lab, jumping down ledges as we do so. May gives me Poke Balls so that I can catch my first Pokemon! But the question is, What will my first catch be? But first my mom gives me running shoes. "Press B to run". I know.
I walk into the patch of grass on Route 101. The Pokemon that appears is...
Poochyena! Yes! Not a Zigzagoon! But still, Pick Up would have helped. I'm not complaining though, as I never raised a Mightyena in the past. I catch the Poochyena on my first try, and I nickname her (Yes, I caught another female) Poochy. Don't worry, I'll become more creative when naming my Pokemon!
And so my adventure begins. With Tricca and Poochy by my side, one could only imagine the fun times and hardship that await us.