Hello guys once again! Not much has happened in between this post and the last, except for the fact that I trained both my Poochy and Tricca to level 10. Also, I managed to get over the fact that there seemed to be a 99.9% chance that a Poochyena would be the first Pokemon to appear in each. Hahahaha. Relaxed now, I head back to Route 104...
The first trainer I battle is Youngster Billy. We decide to have a battle on the beach. As the waves crash against the shore, Billy sends out his Zigzagoon, and I send out Tricca. I land a critical hit with Tricca's Absorb, and the Zigzagoon faints. He then sends out a Seedot, so I switch to Poochy. Seedot uses nothing but Harden, so I take advantage and I finish off Youngster Joey with Poochy's Tackle.
Next trainer I battle claims to have "fished up a tough-looking Pokemon". He sends out a Magikarp. Enough said.
I go inside Mr. Briney's cottage, but he is nowhere to be found. I wonder where he went?
I defeat one last trainer (who actually used a Full Restore!) before heading into Petalburg Woods. Time for the first Pokemon encounter...
A wild Shroomish appeared! Meh, it could be worse. I mean, it could have been another Poochyena! I catch the Shroomish and nickname him 'Spots', due to the number of green spots located on its body (or head, I can't really tell). Although I really wanted a Wurmple because I already had a grass type in Tricca, I will gladly welcome Spots to the team. At least, I won't have much trouble when it comes to the first Gym battle.
The first trainer I face in Petalburg Woods has four Pokemon. He first sends out a Wurmple. Spots makes quick work of the level 3 Pokemon. The bug trainer then sends out another Wurmple. Poochy finishes that one off. Then he sends out ANOTHER Wurmple. Same result. Finally, he sends out his last Pokemon, which is obviously a Wurmple. Is he rubbing it in my face that I don't have a Wurmple and he has four? Never mind. I land a critical hit to finish the battle.
I suddenly have a random thought, thinking to myself, Which of my Pokemon will die first? I shrug it off, not wanting to think about the future right now.
I see a man who seems to be looking for something. He asks me if I have seen any Shroomish around. I was about to show him Spots when some guy dressed in blue attacks us! He tries to take some papers (top secret, I guess) from the man, who then hides behind my back. Not having much of a choice, I battle the Team Aqua Grunt.
He sends out his only Pokemon, a Poochyena, and I send out Spots. After a back and forth battle, I finally win with Spots' Absorb. The Grunt flees, saying something about looking for something in Rustboro. Why in Hoenn would he give out information like that? He DOES NOT know how to be good at being bad.
Thanking me, the unidentified man gives me one great ball. Great. After that strange turn of events, I proceed deeper into the woods.
I battle one last trainer, a bug trainer in fact. This is where I realize something — all of my Pokemon have a weakness against Bug types. I struggle to defeat two level 6 Nincadas, and I quickly run to the clearing, hoping not to encounter anymore trainers or wild Bug Pokemon.
Upon exiting Petalburg Woods, a random guy gives me TM09 - Bullet Seed. How nice of him:) I use it on Tricca replacing Pound (since she already knew Quick Attack).
I enter the nearby flower shop. Inside the flower shop, I receive a Wailmer Pail to help water berries that I plant in the soil. I wonder if I can use the pail to douse a burned Pokemon?
I exit the shop, and seeing a path behind it, I stumble upon a patch of grass! Time for my first encounter on this side of Route 104! What will it be?
Yes! A wild Wurmple appeared! Not wanting to kill it, I send out my level 3 Hyenapooch. My Hyenapooch dies in the process of weakening the Wurmple, but I'm not mad. Hahaaa.
Here's the situation, the Wurmple's health is just a bit below halfway; however, I know that my powerful Pokemon can land a critical hit and kill it. I decide to throw a Poke Ball, and...
I nickname my 'Dustina' (female for Dusty in my book lol), hoping it will evolve into a Dustox. But if it doesn't, then...awkward.
Anyway, that's it for this post. Stay tuned for the next one, where I will hopefully challenge the Rustboro Gym!
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